Adult and childs hands holding onto a heart

I just got back from the California Funeral Director’s 118th Annual Convention. My reasons for being there were simple. We have similar goals when working with families. While they are working on “pre-need” planning for funeral, burial or cremations, we at Feldman Law Group are working on the estate planning side. It was a great opportunity to learn more about how we can help each other to help more families.

Along the way, I also learned a little more than I wanted to about the business. One thing I did learn worth sharing though is about organ donation. Organ and tissue donation is of course very important. Many of my older clients believe that they no longer qualify for organ or tissue donation because of their age. Not true. In 2021, the liver from a 95-year-old man was transplanted. The lesson here is that you are never too old to save a life, if you are interested and willing to participate in organ and tissue donation. 

Lastly, in addition to our client focused webinar in August on estate planning, I am also presenting a webinar for attorneys and fiduciaries on issues around Trustee Fees and Attorney’s Fees for Trust Administration. This is being offered through Moving to Mastery LLC and I am very proud to have been selected to speak on this subject.

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